Alaska Trooper Insignia - Alaska Police Insignia -
Alaska Police Badges - Alaska Police Patches and uniform items
Page 3 Patches

Above - the oldest Alaska State Troopers patch pictured on this site

ABOVE -- next in line

Above - believed to be a newer variation of the second issue; compare the fish to the one in the patch pictured just above; both of these are used patches

ABOVE - current style
In case you were wondering about the design on the shoulder patches, here is the information copied word for word from a brochure that the AST distributed many years ago with a shoulder patch included; it was the patch where the words State Troopers, are in blue ---
The Alaska State Trooper shoulder patch is highly distinctive and truly representative of the 49th state and the last frontier. The patch has the outline of a five-pointed star, which is designed to reflect the law enforcement profession. The primary colors of the patch are blue and gold, the colors of the AST uniform. Displayed on the patch are: Mt. McKinley, the highest mountain in North America at 20,300 feet; a polar bear gazes at the “midnight sun” as it travels over the horizon above the Arctic Ocean, dotted with ice bergs; a moose stands in a marsh as a flock of geese fly overhead; the shovel and pic axe with the field of gold are symbolic reminders of the gold rush era, and the mining industry which today remains an important part of the state’s economy; a salmon jumps from a stream to signify Alaska’s fishing industry and world-class sportfishing; and finally the state flag, eight stars on a field of blue, are the “big dipper” and the “north star.”
In another paragraph on that brochure, it said: The mission of the Alaska State Troopers is to preserve the peace, enforce the law, prevent and detect crime, and protect life and property.

ABOVE - older style - look closely at the snow on the mountains and elsewhere - the patch on the Left has some yellow-orange, where the patch on the Right has just white for the snow areas.



ABOVE -- Special Emergency Reaction Team (SWAT) -- older issue and obviously used; the SERT patches are often reproduced and passed off as AST issues.
Many people think that SERT stands for Special Emergency Response Team, but this term is incorrect - the letter R in SERT stands for the word, Reaction.

Above - olive drab and black version


ABOVE and BELOW - Various badge style SERT patches are pictured. There are others but are not pictured -- I need any of the SERT shoulder patches and badge patches which are not pictured.
The initials TLD on the bottom of the subdued badge style SERT patches are a tribute to Troy Lynn Duncan, a SERT member who was killed in the line of duty during an operation in 1984.

ABOVE -- shoulder patch for shirts and jackets - and while this item has a fourth stripe along the bottom, it is the same rank of sergeant as shown on the blue AST tunic pictured on Page 2 where the tunic chevrons have just 3 stripes.
STILL NEED - corporal chevrons for the shirts

ABOVE - sergeant's shoulder slip-on; Still Need slip-ons for other ranks.
The metal sergeant chevrons are worn on the short sleeve shirt collar and jacket epaulettes. Sergeants wearing a long sleeve shirt wear AST brass on the collar and the blue and gold sergeant chevrons patch sewn on the upper arms.
Command staff (officers) wear metal rank (lieutenant to colonel) on the collars of all shirts and jacket epaulettes.
The cloth slip on shoulder boards are issued to sergeants and above, including command staff, as an alternative to the metal rank insignia for use on shoulders. They can wear either one.

ABOVE & BELOW - Years of Service
The 4 horizontal gold colored bars (pictured just below) are used by new troopers who have less than 5 years AST service. One stripe is used for each year of AST service up to 4 years. Obviously, the 4 year patch is pictured.
When a trooper gets five years of service, the above patch with the 5 point star is used. At that point, the trooper no longer uses the horizontal bars. For every 5 years of service, the trooper wears a star patch. There is pictured both the patch with the single star and a similarly sized patch that has 2 stars on it. These are worn on the lower left sleeve of the shirt.
The dress uniform/tunic uses another style of the 5 point stars and one is pictured on Page 2.
In the RCMP, the Non-Commissioned Officer Members wear 5 year service stars on the upper left sleeve. RCMP Officer ranks do not wear these stars. The RCMP does not use the horizontal bars. You can see some of the RCMP stars on the red tunic pictured on Page 2.

ABOVE -- years of service bars for troopers with 4 years of experience, worn on the lower left sleeve

ABOVE -- LEFT - older style Alaska State Troopers badge patch; known to be sewn on to the front of jackets and vest carriers; RIGHT - current style badge patch - You can find it on pictures of troopers wearing the dark blue vest carrier. Note the lack of a rank on both patches.
BELOW - another version in the older style.
STILL NEED any other badge patch not pictured here.

ABOVE -- very old badge patches -possibly used in the 1980s.
The manufacture of these is almost like silk screened on the front.
The smaller one is hat size.

ABOVE - for a Wildlife trooper - now obsolete

ABOVE -- The small blue and gold current style patch with 2 pistols and a target notes an expert score with the pistol. The pistol patch is for shooting at least a score of 230 out of a possible 240 (95.8 %) on a supervised qualification course, but if you shoot a perfect score of 240, there is no other special insignia. This patch is worn on the lower right sleeve.

ABOVE -- old style revolver expert patches. The design on the Left without the target is believed to be the earlier version. It is believed that the first design was an attempt to resemble the RCMP shooting patch pictured below. There was some “experimenting” with different patches over the years.
AST transitioned from the Smith and Wesson 686 revolver to the Smith and Wesson 4006 semiauto pistol in 1992. As a result, these older style revolver expert patches have not been issued since that time.

ABOVE -- RCMP insignia for Marksmanship --
Here are marksmanship "badges" for the rifle, the revolver (no longer used) and the semi-auto pistol.
The crossed weapons indicates a certain high score. The crossed weapons patches with a crown on top indicate a perfect qualifying score with that type of weapon. These are worn on the lower left sleeve of the tunic by Non Commissioned Officers. You can see 2 of these on the RCMP tunic pictured at the top of Page 2. Note that these are cloth items, but are referred to by the RCMP as badges.
The 2 badges at top right with the red background indicate how they are worn on the sleeve.

ABOVE - novelty patch based upon the design of the 2009 anniversary badge

ABOVE - novelty patch

ABOVE -- novelty patches

ABOVE - patch for the ABI
BELOW -- you can click on a link to go to another page - you are now on Page 3.