Welcome to my Alaska State Troopers Insignia web site. Here you will see photos of various Alaska State Troopers uniform items. This is an unofficial, personal site, designed so that people who respect the AST can view some of its insignia at one place. I'm not an insignia dealer - I'm a collector. It's a hobby - not a business.
I don't have the biggest nor the best collection of insignia from the AST. In fact, my AST collection is at the beginning stage. But I have enough decent photos to show you to keep your interest for a bit.
This site is dedicated to the men and women, past and present, of the Alaska State Troopers and the Department of Public Safety. Thanks to all of you who served.
I have a few pages of pictures and text. There are very general categories for each page. As I get more items, I will photograph them and add them to my site. Some of my pictures might load slowly on your end.
The reason I started this web site was because I could not find decent photos of all of the AST insignia in which a collector is interested. And even when there are decent photos, sometimes they are not as clear or as close-in as I would have liked.
Feel free to correct me as needed. I don't claim to know everything there is to know about this insignia.
Thanks to all of the collectors who supplied me with items on loan to photograph, or allowed me to copy their photos.
I still need most of the items you see on this web site.
So if you read that I need something in particular, and you have it available, feel free to contact me - thx.
I have been collecting law enforcement insignia for 33 years. I am retired law enforcement - though not from AST.
Scroll all the way down for the page links.

Scroll all the way down for the page links